November 2010 Archives

Visceral Body Fat in the Belly

Written by Tena Moore

Gaining weight around the middle is not a good thing. For starters, it's not the most attractive thing (for those who might say: "Hey, it's a natural part of the aging process", I would respond that so is tooth decay, but that's something you keep a lid on as well). And it makes your pants and jeans fit badly and feel uncomfortable (guys who routinely and simply cinch things up and let the beer belly flop over the tightly belted waistline may disagree).

But, most importantly, if you have a significant amount of fat in your mid section indicating that this is not just beneath-the-skin fat, but, rather, visceral fat, then you are leaving your body open to insulin resistance, which often, or even usually I daresay, leads to type II diabetes.

You don't want type II diabetes. It's hard to get rid of, it can lead to complications such as neuropathy, hardening of the arteries, vision loss, and many of the medications used to treat type II diabetes, such as the sulfolynureas, can even induce additional weight gain.

Now, here's a tip I just read that I might put into practice myself. This one comes from Duke University. Pick the weight you want to be. Multiple that number by eleven and this will represent how many calories you should be maxing out on each day. Also, according to the Duke study, burning 2000 calories each week by exercising has the effect of reducing your stores of visceral fat by seven percent. And that's not insignificant.

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How is Allicin related to Garlic?

Written by Tim Moore

There are over seventy health promoting components to the herb garlic. The one you're more likely to hear about is allicin.

Here's a short excerpt from the vitaminstuff page on allicin: "Allicin is a sulfur compound that destroys many parasites, fungi, and viruses, including Helicobacter pylori (which causes peptic ulcers), herpes, and candida. Because it contains large amounts of allicin, garlic is thought to support the immune system against bacterial, viral, and fungal infection. Some studies have even shown garlic to be particularly effective in preventing recurrent yeast infections and in treating ear infections."

To read the entire page: The potential benefits of Garlic .

Sidenote: I once remember a friend telling me that his vet had recommended giving their family dog garlic supplements to ward off fleas. Has this practice stood the test of time? It might be worthy of a little internet research. However, frankly, my own dog's breath is bad enough on its own.

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