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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Skin Aging and Sun Exposure

Written by Tena Moore

Skin naturally shows signs of aging due to the passing of time, though the rate at which it ages is largely dependent upon heredity and lifestyle. You probably already know that you need to wear daily sunscreen to block sun exposure and wear sunglasses to keep yourself from developing wrinkles around the eyes. While these two things can be very helpful in reducing the amount of skin aging you see, there are other lifestyle factors involved in the way your skin ages. Quitting smoking can dramatically improve your skin, as can cutting back on alcohol since it is dehydrating, and staying hydrated by drinking enough water. In addition, eating whole foods and foods high in antioxidants can help improve skin aging.

While these recommendations are helpful, heredity still plays a part. As we age fatty tissue reduces and our dermis becomes and weak and less elastic, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Melanocytes start dying at a quicker rate as we age as well, causing our skin to be less protective to sun exposure. We also naturally lose the tiny blood vessels present on the surface of the skin and certain cells that are needed to help ward off certain cancers and infections.

While heredity and the natural aging process will play a part in the aging process, it is still important to protect yourself from the sun, make healthy lifestyle choices, and take care of your skin in every way you can.

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