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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Can Sitting too long make you fat?

Apparently it can according to an article that I read on the Abc News website (linked below). Amazingly, scientists who conducted a test using a radioactive tracing substance found that when animals were sitting down, fat did not get burned but, instead, became stored in adipose tissue. Even worse, prolonged sitting had the effect of drastically suppressing levels of the enzyme, lipase, which is essential to the body's ability to get rid of dietary fat. These results came from animal studies, of course. But---when the same study experiment was extended to human volunteers, scientists found the same results: metabolic rate was reduced; lipase levels were suppressed; good cholesterol (HDL) was lowered.

So, how do you counteract the effects of being sedentary, particularly if you are heavily engaged in sedentary activities (work, school, and recreational activities such as video games). Move your legs. Literally. If you are engaged in sedentary activity for prolonged periods, get up once in a while and walk around. If your work is sedentary, get up once in a while and actually take a walk. And, if you don't get much physical activity from sport or recreation after work or school, consider taking walks before your day begins or after it ends. Diet, of course, is always important. But, as we can see, physical activity and maintaining one's health and fitness is equally important.

Scientists Say Just Standing Up May Be as Important as Exercise

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Web Resources

Here are some useful, or potentially useful, resources for individuals who may be having medical disability issues and have to consider an application for early retirement benefits from the U.S. social security administration on the basis of disabled status.

Health and RSD provides information about RSD, otherwise known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Unfortunately, this page looks to be about two years out of date and, as the page itself indicates this may due to lack of response from readers.

Talk about Sleep is a site that, by its own description, has the mission of providing resource information to patients with sleep disorders.

Here's a good resource page on the site, Empowering Caregivers. The resource categories include legal resources, resources for seniors, and caregiving resources, among others.

This is the Disabled page from the webdirectory, Abilogic. The page includes a number of online resources including Disabled World News and a link to a site that is operated by disability attorneys offering assistance to individuals who seek benefits from the federal government.

Texas Autism Advocacy has a General Disability links that contains a listing of helpful disability resources, advocacy organizations, and disability publications, including resources that are specific to the state of Texas.

The Fibromyalgia Welcome package is a useful resource for individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome who may need assistance in rounding up information with regard to filing for disability benefits. The site lists a large number of resources, some that are specific to U.S. citizens, others that are specific to Canadian citizens, and yet others that are intended for the benefit of U.K. residents.

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