Supplemental Drinks and Too Faced Marketing
Marketers are having a field day with supplemental drinks and products. For instance, marketing by Too Faced Cosmetics is claiming, ‘Always on the lips…never on the hips’, for their new lip-gloss line that claims to suppress the appetite.
How is this possible? Well, whether it is possible or not is still to be determined, but the lip-gloss touts the same mix of ingredients and mineral supplements that are found in Coca-Cola’s energy fruit drinks, Fuze. They claim that the lip-gloss works because the skin on your lips is thin and allows you to ingest the supplements, giving you a metabolism boost.
How nice it would be if we could all just slather on some lip-gloss and go about our merry way, while burning calories. Unfortunately, nutrition experts don’t agree. Many feel that the only way the lip-gloss could possibly help you lose weight is by default of being a distraction, something to do other than eat.
Fuze, which only has 10 calories per serving, and Enviga, a Nestle and Coke drink product with only 5 calories per serving, are claiming that their drinks help participants burn more calories than those who drink a plain beverage. The question is, ‘What is a plain beverage?’ Does that mean plain, whole milk, plain Coca-Cola or plain high fructose fruit juice?
Their claim to fame is a study done on 31 slim people for three days, in which they drank three cans of Enviga each day. They claim the people who drank Enviga instead of a ‘plain’ beverage burned 106 more calories. The study doesn’t say what was eaten, what the plain beverage was or what the other stats to the study were.
Health experts say you’d have to drink about nine cans of the stuff to burn 100 calories. At $1.50 a can, it might be easier to take a walk around the block.
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