Will Age Ninety be the New Age Fifty in the Future?
Recently, the first World Science Festival was held in New York City; guests represented all scientific fields from biology to quantum physics, philosophers, Nobel laureates, and business leaders from around the world. The festival celebrated scientific progress that in the last century alone increased the human lifespan thirty years, which is more than any time span in the previous five thousand years of human history.
Not only did the festival celebrate past scientific successes, it pointed to future medical breakthroughs that are not generations away but a few years away. Breakthroughs that will extend the human lifespan even more while easing the affect of ailments long associated with aging.
Aging has become a very hot topic in recent years due to aging baby boomers who are reaching their sixties. The closing discussion at the World Science Festival was aging, especially aging well and remaining healthy. The group discussed studies that have indicated that calorie restriction may be the key to longer healthier lives.
About twenty years ago, Richard Weindruch began studying the affect of extremely low calorie diets on mice. Weindruch found that mice lived longer if kept on extremely low calorie diets.
Whoops, I seem to lost part of my post. Ok...I'll have to look around and see if I can find it. Hopefully, I won't have to rewrite this.
Labels: calorie restriction, low calorie, low calorie diets
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