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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Improving your health with a serving of nuts?

Written by Tena Moore

You can definitely improve your health with a serving of nuts. Studies have shown they can help decrease risk of diabetes and heart disease, and they are chocked full of healthy vitamins and minerals. They are also fiber rich, helping to reduce cholesterol. The reason many people shy away from these nutritional powerhouses is because of their fat content. Many dismiss the notion that high-fat could be good for you, but the heart-healthy fats in nuts are the very reason they are heart-healthy. One study showed that eating an ounce of nuts a day could reduce the risk of heart disease by nearly 30 percent.

The key to nuts is portion control. Think of nuts the way you think of chocolate. Dark chocolate, in small amounts, is very healthy and high in antioxidants. It’s healthy to have an ounce or two of chocolate and some people do so every day. Nuts are the same; it’s great to have one or two ounces a day. Unfortunately, many people think of nuts more like potato chips and want to eat the whole bag. Nuts, wine, and dark chocolate are all healthy in small amounts.

Nuts, although each one is different in content, are rich in phytochemicals, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, copper, folic acid and antioxidants; some nuts even offer Omega-3 fatty acids. If you’re worried about the fat content, lower your intake of calories or unhealthy fats to make some extra room for nuts as a nutritious snack.

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    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

    What are Lentils?

    Lentils are from the legume family and are grown in pods that consist of one or two lentil seeds. There are many varieties and colors of lentils, though brown and green are the most popular in the United States. Lentils also come in red, orange, yellow or black. They are oval, heart shaped or lens shaped and small in size. Lentils are nutritionally very much like beans; they are a great source of dietary fiber, folic acid, protein and trace minerals.

    Lentils help lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels from rising after consumption of a meal. Lentils are cooked much like beans and are most often found dried (like beans). They are commonly used in soups, stews and casseroles. Lentils are 26% protein and are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians.

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