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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The difference between Vegetarianism and Veganism?

Written by Tena Moore

Simply put, vegetarians have chosen not to eat meat from animals. They do not eat fish, poultry, beef, pork or any other type of flesh from once-living animals. They do, however, still eat byproducts of these
animals, such as eggs and dairy. Vegetarians usually substitute tofu, tempeh, portabella mushrooms, and many other items in the place of meat without much effort. Vegetarian diets can remain very similar to the standard American diet through meat substitutes such as veggie burgers, tofu hotdogs, and fake chicken nuggets. There are also different types of vegetarians, from lacto-vegetarians that do not eat meat and eggs, to ovo-vegetarians that do not eat meat and dairy.

When someone says they are ‘vegan’, they are speaking about more than their diet choices; it is a complete lifestyle that adheres to respecting animals as living beings by not consuming animal products, not wearing animal products, and also not buying products that have been animal-tested. Vegans do not eat the meat of animals and do not eat their byproducts such as honey, dairy, and eggs. It also usually means that they do not wear leather, fur, silk, or wool, or buy products that have been animal-tested.

While vegetarians do not eat animals, vegans strive to live their lives without promoting killing, cruelty or exploitation of animals in any way.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

What Do Vegan Kids Eat?

Written by Tena Moore

Statistics show that nearly one in every 200 kids is vegetarian. Although that number is decreasing with time, it is still quite high. As vegetarians, kids should be able to get more than enough protein through dairy and eggs, but what if they are vegan? Vegan children do not eat any animal products whatsoever; that means no dairy and no eggs, two of the highest forms of protein other than meat.

A report published by the Associated Press gave suggested substitutions for vegan kids trying to get the protein and other needed vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B-12, iron, zinc and linolenic acid. The report suggested kids drink fortified soy milk, and eat various nuts. It also suggested soybeans, flax seed, and nutritional yeast. These substitutions might sound foreign to some, but they are very high in recommended nutrients and animal-product-free.

Nutritional yeast has a cheese-like flavor and can be sprinkled on nearly anything, from pasta to salads. Flaxseed has a nutty-like flavor and can be ground and sprinkled on hot cereals and soups. Flaxseed oil is a very nutritious oil high in omega-3’s and can be used in place of butter.

While many are still afraid that vegan children cannot possibly get the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals, there are many substitutions on the market; it just takes a little bit of education.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Can Veganism Cure Diabetes?

Could you eat a vegan diet if it would cure your Type 2 diabetes? Veganism is a healthy diet that involves not only forgoing meat (cow, chicken, fish, turkey and any other living creatures) but it also involves not eating animal products, such as sour cream, cheese, milk, and other animal products such as eggs. While many people still can’t imagine having a diet that does not involve animals, more and more research is pointing the healthy validity of a vegan diet. This time it is being said to help those who suffer with Type 2 diabetes.

The following article gives an overview of a randomized clinical study that proved a vegan diet could improve sensitivity to insulin by improving glycemic and lipid control. This is great news for those with Type 2 diabetes, especially if they feel they could switch to a vegan diet. Of course, this diet wouldn’t work for everyone, but for some it could possibly reverse their diabetes.

Vegan is a Diabetes Cure?

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